
get hdd serial by c#

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You are missing a reference to the assembly containing the type ManagementObjectSearcher, which is in the System.Managementnamespace. Add this namespace and it should work.

You will have to rightclick the project -> add reference and add the System.Management assembly. System.Managment is not added automatically with the creation of a new project.

code read serial hdd (get serial hdd) by C# language:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;
namespace fixLoL32bit
class TienIch
public string GetHDDSerialNumber(string drive)
//check to see if the user provided a drive letter
//if not default it to “C”
if (drive == “” || drive == null)
drive = “C”;
//create our ManagementObject, passing it the drive letter to the
//DevideID using WQL
ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject(“Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID=\”” + drive + “:\””);
//bind our management object
//return the serial number
return disk[“VolumeSerialNumber”].ToString();

Read and write registry in C# (csharp)

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Read and write registry in C# (csharp)

(Hướng dẫn thao tác với registry trong C#, hướng dẫn làm việc với registry trên C#)